Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
We create an understanding and appreciation of diversity, while promoting equity and inclusion in the workplace by engaging a diverse group in informative discussions and activities that aim to overcome preconceived perceptions in an environment of safety and trust.
The Diversity Wheel
The Diversity Wheel- A discussion of the ways in which our experiences impact who we are, how we perceive the world, and how we treat one another. How much of our identity is chosen by us and how much of it is imposed upon us by the circumstances of our birth? In this discussion, we will look at all the dimensions of the diversity wheel, as well as some deeply important aspects of our personalities that are not included on this tool, and think about how they impact everyday interactions.
Diversity Iceberg- The Waterline of Visibility
There is more to diversity than meets the eye. By embracing an understanding of diversity that moves beyond the “traditional considerations,” those characteristics and traits which usually appear above or at the waterline of visibility, to also encompass those aspects of diversity which appear below the waterline and are not readily detected by the eye, we are better able to see, to realize that we are all diverse individuals.